What does great customer service mean to you?
The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary. ~ Sam Walton
Good customer service is being asked if I found everything I need when I am at the cash register ready to check out. Great customer service is when an employee greets you as I walk into a business and being asked if there is anything they can help me with today.
Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they’ll come back. We have to be great every time or we’ll lose them. ~ Kevin Stirtz
Good customer service is while searching for jeans, an employee asks if I would like them to open a fitting room for me. Great customer service is an employee noticing I am grabbing one of each style trying to find the right fit, and quietly and subtly studying my body type to make an informed recommendation.
Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves. ~ Steve Jobs
Good customer service is apologizing for not having a product in stock. Great customer service is not only locating my desired product at another location but offering to transfer it to my desired location at no extra charge to me, normally within a 24 hour period. Furthermore, great customer service is special ordering my desired product if it is out of stock in all locations, again with no extra fee.
Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong. ~ Donald Porter
Good customer service is asking for my contact information to send an email version of my receipts and then spamming my inbox with useless spam. Great customer service is asking for my contact information and using it to send me coupons, concert giveaway information, and invitation to events!
Your website isn’t the center of your universe. Your Facebook page isn’t the center of your universe. Your mobile app isn’t the center of your universe. The customer is the center of your universe.”- Bruce Ernst
There are a lot of places to shop in person or online which provide average or even good customer service. When you find a place, which offers GREAT customer service, hold onto it like the precious gem that it is! One of my most precious gems in the form of great customer service is JC Western Wear, which has been family owned and operated both in stores and online for over 60 years!
Good service is good business. ~ Siebel Ad
Tell me about a positive customer service experience you have had in our stores or others!